Academics & Learning

Boys in class

Cultivating Character

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth. 3 John 4

As a Christian School, we believe that cultivating character is, in fact, God's mission with all of us. The word "character" for us is simply Christ-likeness. God's great project with us is to redeem and restore His image in us, for us to be "conformed to the likeness of His Son" Romans 8:29.

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Girls Learning Math Outside

Through Learning

We want our students to learn as apprentice participants in God's redemptive work in all creation.

By connecting their learning to the communities and world around us, students discover needs, problems and brokenness, discern where God is at work in those things, and seek to participate with delight in God's redemptive work: renewing, repairing, restoring, serving, solving, giving, creating beauty, bringing joy and life and light. Through every course, students are learning how to love God and love their neighbour.

Students singing at assembly

For Lives of Service to God

Learning at HDCH isn't about getting, but giving. It isn't about receiving. It's about Service.

We believe the most meaningful, fulfilled life is about knowing, following and serving our Lord wherever He plants us and with whatever gifts He has given us. And we don’t believe those lives of service begin only one day, some other day, after high school, but already here and now, through the work and projects and connections our students make in their classes. Our purpose is to serve the Lord: we desire to worship Him with our whole being, in everything we do, in our learning and our play and our work.