Admissions FAQs

Admissions FAQ

In our partnership with local Christian elementary schools, we are fortunate that they provide bus services for our students. Fees and pick-up/drop-off times are arranged through the elementary school in your region. HDCH does not offer late buses.

Brantford - Brantford Christian School, Christal Lambert 519-752-0433

Halton Bus Cheryl Oudyk 905-648-6655 x 112

Dundas - Providence Christian School 905-627-1411

Hamilton - either through Calvin Christian School Jim Hosmar 905-388-2645 x 227 or Hamilton City Bus

Jarvis/Simcoe-- Jarvis Community Christian School - Tom Smith 519-428-3668

HDCH has a “wardrobe”. Students and families can select from several options for short and long-sleeved shirts, spirit-wear, pants, or shorts. Wardrobe pieces can be purchased through McCarthy Uniform or gently used at our annual Used Wardrobe Sale, held in August. 

For a copy of the full Wardrobe Policy send an email to

Tuition fees vary, depending upon the size of your family, and whether you are a local or international applicant. As an independent school, we do not receive funding from the Ontario Ministry of Education, and so it is our families that cover the cost of operating the school. For those families in financial need, we offer a limited amount of bursary support - for which families must apply.

No, No, and no! We hope that families are seeking a Christ-centered education for their children and that they are passionate, as we are, about our mission: Cultivating character, through learning for lives of service to God. HDCH offers pathways to university, college, trades, and the workplace.

You will receive an enrollment confirmation email when your child becomes enrolled at HDCH.

If you have not received the email, you may be on a waitlist or your application may be under review for any number of reasons. If you are unsure of your application status, contact Sandra.

Along with 7 required courses, Grade 9 students have a choice of three arts electives: visual art, drama, or instrumental music. Parents of enrolled grade 9 students will receive an email to choose the arts elective.

Edsby is a secure online learning management system. Parents, staff, and students all have access. Edsby is a place to review student progress and attendance, find out what is happening at school, and communicate with staff. In late August, parents of new students will receive an email with instructions to set up an Edsby account or link a new student to an existing account in August. Parents will also receive an e-newsletter, KnightLights, every Thursday during the school year. If you have any questions, please email

The HDCH Course Calendar is a handy reference with general information about student life at HD, as well as detailed information on faith perspectives, academic pathways, credits, and course content.