The Learning Support Program assists students with identified learning challenges to discover their God-given gifts so that they can achieve personal and academic goals to serve their communities in meaningful ways.
Responsive Support:
Our multidisciplinary Learning Support Team is equipped with expertise in academic, emotional, behavioral, social, and physical support. They collaborate closely with teachers to support individual students in meeting their learning goals.
Opportunity for All:
We provide appropriate accommodations for students facing identified challenges to support their full participation in and demonstration of learning. In partnership with students, parents, and the school, we guide the development of sound academic skills and positive social habits.
Individualized Education Plans (IEP):
Guided by recommendations from previous school records and health professionals, the Learning Coordinator develops Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for identified students outlining their strengths and needs. This document serves as a working guide for teaching staff and is regularly reviewed to align with the ongoing learning needs of individual students.
Academic accommodations reflect a student’s IEP and are designed to support students without fundamentally altering the instructional level, content, or performance criteria of the curriculum. Accommodations may encompass project planning, agenda support, organization and time management, note-taking assistance, scribe or speech-to-text support, reader or text-to-speech support, reduced assessment volume, use of memory aids, strategic seating, and extended time for tests and exams.
If you have questions, please contact:
Learning Coordinator, Mrs. Koiter