Student Life

Living in Community


HDCH uses a Restorative Justice approach to building and maintaining community. As a school, we are committed to creating a community of belonging through mutual respect, kindness and relational presence. When things go wrong, we will use a restorative approach to move toward a resolution of the conflict and a restoration of the community. Our Community Covenant talks about the ways we have committed to forming a healthy learning community.

HDCH Community Covenant

As a Christian learning community, we work to be a place where our character is cultivated through learning for a life service to God. In doing this, we want to see all HDCH students become a faithful presence in the community that they serve. We are a school community called by Jesus to:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these. MARK 12:30-31


The ultimate vision is to be a community of Shalom; that is to say, a community where God’s peace, justice and harmony permeate all aspects of who we are and what we do. We will not always get this right. There will be conflict. This community covenant will seek to outline expectations between all stakeholders to define what it means to work together and how we ought to treat each other, even and especially when there is conflict.

We will seek to resolve conflicts and problems through the Restorative Justice in Education process, which involves setting high expectations and providing high support to live into those expectations. This covenant is part of this process.


We as students and staff commit to:


Treat everyone in the school with dignity and respect


Treat everyone in the school with kindness


Be relationally and educationally present in our school and community