Student Life


Students performing a concert
Experience HDCH

Our deep hope at HDCH is to be a school community of restoration. We desire to be a place where we live in God's Spirit and enjoy peace and wholeness.

Restorative Justice in Education is our framework for living into these ideals. Linked here are two documents that outline this. The first is our Community Covenant, which is a co-created shared set of expectations students and staff hold for each other. The second, our Living in Community Document, outlines the restorative justice process we use at HD when we fail to live in these shared expectations.

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Extra-curricular activities are an important part of Christian education.

From preparing for your first year to planning graduation, we care about your success and want you to have a rewarding high school experience both in and outside the classroom. Our vibrant, diverse student life provides the opportunity to learn new things, celebrate your talents, and connect with friends.


Athletics Extracurriculars

Student Stories