Support HDCH

It takes our whole community to change students' lives

Donate Now

Join the over 400 donor families, businesses, and churches that make an HDCH education possible.

Tuition fees cover a portion of the costs to run the school and care for our corner of the Kingdom. The rest is given by you, our faithful supporters.

Mail your cheque, send an e-transfer, or click the Donate button to be redirected to our safe and secure CanadaHelps website to give online.

  • Mail your cheque to Donations, HDCH, 92 Glancaster Road, Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9
  • Contact Tina VanDyk for information or to receive a pre-authorized payment form
  • E-transfer to Sherry Osinga at Provide your first and last name, address and purpose of your gift in the message.

Monthly Giving is an easy, and convenient way to help you manage your giving over time.
Clicking here will redirect you to CanadaHelps, where you can arrange your monthly donation.

Or, contact us to set up pre-authorized monthly donations. Want to talk to someone about your monthly gift? Please call 905-648-6655 x 122 or email Sandra Baker.

Your gift of $5000 or more provides so much hope for families in need of bursary support, and for funds needed to maintain our beautiful school. For gifts of this magnitude, we recommend gifts by cheque, e-transfer, or monthly gifts.

Would you like to support a special project or program? Contact Sandra Baker, 905-648-6655 x 122.

Making a gift of publicly-traded securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds can be an incredible way to make a tangible impact. Donations of securities are not subject to capital gains taxes and donors receive a tax credit.

To talk about the transfer process contact Sandra Baker, 905-648-6655 x 122.

The term gift in kind refers to donations of assets, property, and items that might benefit the school. Gently-used equipment such as 3-D printers, shop tools, and school-related items may be needed. Much depends upon the item’s state of repair, curriculum needs, and space available. We are grateful for donations of merchandise for online auctions and gift cards. Charitable tax receipts may be issued, depending upon the item.

Contact us for an assessment of your proposed gift and to discuss how the item may support student learning. Please contact our Director of Finance, Sherry Osinga.

Partner with HDCH to give back to the HDCH community. You can donate cash, sponsor, and provide goods and services. You can also explore opportunities as a co-op education employer.

Start with an email to Tina VanDyk to explore the possibilities.


Create your legacy by remembering HDCH through a bequest in your will. You can designate your bequest, or, allow HDCH to use your bequest in the area of greatest need.

For more information on giving a gift through your will, including receiving a copy of HDCH Will Language, contact Sandra Baker at 905-648-6655 x 122.

Hamilton District Christian High (HDCH) manages a Capital Reserve Fund (Fund). 

The Fund is supported in two ways: through undesignated gifts from willls and through a Capital Levy, paid by all families as part of tuition fees. 

As per policy, it can be used for large, ongoing maintenance that are regularly occurring and predictable, such as washroom upgrades, parking lot repaving and window replacement. 

The Fund is managed by our Finance Committee and Board of Directors.